Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

The 4th of July is just not the same without fireworks, a parade, and Red/White/Blue everywhere.

Michael thought it would be fun to Play Bruce Springsteen "Born in the USA" really loud in the front patio while having a BBQ, and wearing red white and blue shirts.

Instead we ate..

Chicken Hotdogs
Broccoli salad with ramen noodles on top (Michael is always unsure of this dish, but it has oil and vinegar as dressing and he actually ate it this year as did the boys.)
IcePops (I was SOOO happy that I found these over here as they are a big hit with Michael and the kids)

Nothing fancy, but it felt a little more like the 4th of July.

We are approaching bedtime at least for Lily and movie time for the boys. I hope everyone had a Wonderful 4th of July and lit a few extra fire crackers for the Patte family.

Happy 4th of July!

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