Friday, July 2, 2010

As we were walking to town today...

As we were walking to town today a woman stopped me and asked where I was from. I told her Pennsylvania and she said no kidding, so am I. Then the follow up question of what town did I live in and LO and Behold she was from Lewisburg as well. I could not believe it. She has been living with her husband here in York for 5 years, but for 5 years prior she lived in Lewisburg. What a small world. It really made my day. Her name is Miriam Stroup. I guess her husband grew up in Selinsgrove and they have a child in College and a 4 year old. What a great start to my day!

1 comment:

  1. It definitely is a small world!! Sarah, I just love reading your posts & looking at the pics, thanks! Happy July 4th!!
