Sunday, May 16, 2010

York Minster

This photo is of York Minster from a distance.

On Thursday this past week, my folks and I took the kids to York Minster. It is an enormous cathedral! We did not stay long about 30 minutes, but it made an impact on Harrison. He walked into the cathedral and said "WOW Mommy, this place is HUGE!" They were good about not running. I had decided not to attempt this activity on my own, due to the increased risk of running children inside the cathedral. If you know Oliver then you know why I had concerns.

The boys asked what the candles were for within the church. I told them that you light one when you want to say a prayer for someone. Oliver was with Grandma and wanted to light a candle, so the first person he wanted to say a prayer for was Daddy. He wanted to light another candle, so he decided to say a prayer for Don and Velma.

Harrison said he really liked the church and enjoyed seeing all the "toys". I believe he was referring to the Undercroft, treasury, and Crypt, which was under the cathedral and possibly the various statues and memorials.

It was just the right about of time and Lily loved being able to walk around just like her brothers.

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