Monday, May 31, 2010

As we are about to leave for Scotland...

As the family was preparing to leave for Scotland, Harrison and LIly were outside with Grandpa and Michael and I were upstairs finishing getting dressed etc and Oliver starts walking down the steps to go outside when we hear a bang and crying. Oliver comes upstairs with a bloody chin. He had tripped on the last couple of steps and rammed right smack into the corner of the gate at the bottom of the steps. It was not deep, but it had split open 3 ways, so we decided to see if he needed stitches. He did really well. As our train was scheduled to leave in about 1 hour we sent Harrison with Grandma and Grandpa. LIly stayed home with Michael and I took a taxi with Oliver to the Hospital ER. Amazingly we only had to wait about 30 minutes and were done 15 minutes later. The nurse cleaned it and placed steri strips on it. He was very very brave! Not exactly how we wanted to start our trip, but we did catch a train about 2 hours after Grandma and Grandpa and we made it to Scotland.

As you can see from the photo...Oliver is healing, but he'll most likely have a nice little scar.

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