Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Museum Gardens

I met a new friend Ruth, her husband and 15 month daughter, and another woman (Sarah) at the Museum Gardens for a tour of the local fruit trees with a lunch to follow. Fortunately I was able to find my friend, but unfortunately not the group tour. I brought Lily with me and luckily is was a beautiful day. We decided to sit down on a picnic blanket and enjoy the day. Ruth and her husband are from Scotland and moving back home in July after living here for 9 months. They are planning to WWOOF for a couple of years. WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, which teaches people how to grow fruits and vegetables on a farm organically. With this organization people find farms who are in need of help and they live on a farm to work and learn in exchange for food and lodging and it can be done in several different countries. They are also able to bring their daughter with them.

It was amazing to be sitting and looking at the remains of St Mary's Abby, which was built in 1088. I might think my house is old in PA, which was built in 1830. This is a whole different level of OLD. Wow!

Lily had a great time walking around, throwing an apple, eating an apple, and playing with her little 15 month old friend Alexandra. I attached some photos and a video of the park. She was talking to her little friend in the stroller when that little girl was supposed to be taking a nap. It was quite sweet.

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